Re: Finished MC, Now I am Stopped up and need advice (gross details)
my advice is to relax. If you had a problem before the
Master-Cleanse then the
Master-Cleanse should have straightened it out, or at LEAST helped it some... your body has been through a long period without food. Give it time to readjust to regularly eating food again.
The regularity on the
Master-Cleanse is great, but it is assisted, right? If you continue assisting your BMs your body won't adjust to doing it itself again. Be patient and trust that your body will work it out. Keep with the vegies and water... you're retraining your intestines now on how to handle food, so give it time. It's only been one week. :)
The white film sounds like mucous.? I read in FAQs that after a longer fast there's a big toxin dump once you start reg food again, so you are in essence, still cleansing now.
& yea, dried anything takes alot of water to rehydrate and then break down inside your system, so it may also be *binding*. Stop trying to do your body's job for it. It'll get back on track if you support it with healthy foods now.. & you have,
& congrats on going 40 days! What a wonderfull gift you have given yourself. :) kudos!