Re: Way to go!
I am still catching up with all the posts I missed. I do try to drink 6 per day (I actually made and brought 12 with me today), but had a hard time getting one down. Since I got home (about an hour ago, I drank 2). It's only 6pm here, so I'll probably get another 3 in me before bed. Right now I'm making my tea because I have to leave early tomorrow and want to be sure it has plenty of time to work!
When I'm not doing the MC, I tend to use whatever I can get my hands on that's organic. They had a big sale on carrots and apples, so they were in most of my drinks. I usually add celery, cucumber, kale, romaine, etc. to the afternoon/evening drinks. I also had a lot of grapefruit juice because hubby bought me a big bag. A bit of orange juice when the bag went on sale for $2. I always dilute my juices (even the vegee ones) with equal amounts of water, because I tend to get dehydrated while fasting. This kept my water intake up.
While I sat with my family (hubby, kids, and in-laws) at a nice restaurant for lunch today, I had 3 large glasses of lemon water. I didn't have any small containers, so my lemonade was in a 1/2 gallon jug. Didn't want to bring it in, and I wasn't hungry, so I stuck with the water and then drank a drink when I got back in the car. Had to hit 3 restrooms on the way home (long drive)!
You can read more details about my fast, and which juices I use, on my blog if you'd like. Here's the link:
If you have a blog, please include your link, so I can read about your journey!
Rhonda (Roni)