I had the HEAVY PAINFUL headaches, right down into my NECK for nearly 5 days. I would shake my head and I could feel MY PAINFUL BRAIN moving. They were awful.
I was pretty sure I had weaned myself off coffee the week and a half beofre starting this MC. I see where some people on this fourm get them in the beginning... so it is just a NORMAL DETOX thing for some of us.
They say not to take anything ... but I had to work, so I woofed down 3 tabs of cheap ADVIL 2 - 3 times a day and one morning (day 5 I think)I woke up clear headed and feeling GREAT!
Tell your boyfriend to hang in there and I don't know what to tell you for eliminating the headaches... I just weathered mine out. Even with the Cheap Advills, My head was heavy and STILL HURT. It only took the edge off.