Whether we approve or not...some people DO use the Master-Cleanse for weight loss. I would probably recommend it before something like Atkins or some other fad diet b/c by not putting anything except the lemonade into their bodies, it often helps people begin to care about what they do put into their bodies after the cleanse. I agree, her process is extreme and possibly (possibly) risky...but she does seem like an educated lady who is doing her reading, so she will make her own choices. Again, I knew you meant well, but the idiotic and sad comments just made me cringe a little. And my post never said you bashed her...just her process and ideas about weight loss.
And trust me when I tell you I am as chill as they come right now...I'm half way through a 14 dayer and feeling absolutely lovely on this beautiful southern california spring day. I've incorporated yoga into this cleanse and that stuff rocks.
How many days are you doing and what day are you on...