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Re: DAY 5...anyone out there in the zone with me...?
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Re: DAY 5...anyone out there in the zone with me...?

Your finishing line I think hits home...It is in our heads!
Eating for many is a security('comfort' food?). The Master-Cleanse (or many disciplinary 'programs')disrupts that thinking pattern/process. That is key to healthy positive thinking. Breaking the thought process is the main step to breaking habits. Our mind will and does go on auto pilot(whims). What I'm trying to achieve in my life is to be on manual not auto!

If you have to hibernate to get through this then do it. You will get to a point when you can go to 'normal' life and have no problem. Let me tell you that is one of the greatest feeings! To have absolute power over yourself and control of your mind. It really is. To be happy and comfortable enough in your own skin to feel
gorgeous, to love yourself,to know that you are doing the best for you. To not even bother saying 'no' because the question never even comes up.

Many gain back the weight. The body is working at such efficiency that we are absorbing more whilst eating as we did. The colon absorbs many nutrients( and toxins) and having done a cleanse, the colon is doing what it is supposed to be doing at an optimum level. Yet the mental aspect you mentioned also plays a big role. I firmly believe that the chemicals we produce can dictate much of our behavior and it can snowball!

As far as bad for the heart,I don't believe it,not for me. If The Master Cleanser was so horrible then the AMA would do a major press release tearing it apart and lay it on thick. I stated in an earlier post that to my knowledge no formal research has been done on the MC. Why, because the doctors are afraid of the truth- That natural ingredients can cure safely,harmlessly and cheaply. You know the story. Otherwise, don't ya'll think we would have heard something? I mean really, how many volunteers could they get just from this forum? If anyone knows of reports please let us know. I don't think there are too many because the AMA and most of it's members dare not open that door. Not when they can sell you something as great and miraculous as Phen Phen-fully endorsed by the FDA, or any one of the other 10,000s of under the counter drugs. I wonder why there is barely anything on Stanley Burroughs...take a peak! Don't you think that's strange? Where is his research? His papers,memoirs? Anything! He developed the Master-Cleanse in the forties...

There seems to be so much to know and do and fix and worry about. Though in the long run it is quite healthy, think and breathe healthy thoughts.
Positive energy breeds more positive energy, it spreads and makes for a nicer world.

Ok...I've done my ranting for day 27...only 18 little days to go ... I'll kind of be sorry it's over!




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