Re: PLEASE HELP!!!!!! not getting support at home!
maybe you have a headache from being dehydrated.
i felt that my second cleanse improved my body even more than the first. kinda like healing started by the end of the second day. i think everyone is different. i am a really fast healer.
a diet you have is a detox diet too. how long have you been doing it? are you sure you are getting enough fats, and vits? an issue that some people have with the raw diet is not being able to absorb all the vits they need.
if you have inflamation issues tomato is one of the things you should avoid.they really bothered me before i healed. as did sugar,caffine,tobacco,certain
preservatives .
to help yourself continue to heal: avoid all processed oils,foods and sugars.
i dont know what your diet is like but as a vegan you should be taking b supps.