Update, couldn't wait
I am so grossed out, I couldnt wait, I just ordered the MH Lower
Bowel Cleanse (I do not have more than 1 BM per day, and sometimes only 1 everyother day), the dewormer, and the kidney cleanse. I got 2 bottles of the
parasite cleanse.
After reading up on parasites, I have suffered constipation many years, and I have been suffering severe fatigue for several years as well. I sleep many hours at night and have to lay down several times a day, naps twice a day, etc. Thank God I work form home. But it definitely interferes with my life as a mother. My poor kids see in my bedroom more thatn any other room in the house.
I am hopeful this could be an answer, if not the answer, to my fatigue.It has been such a source of frustatraion and guilt--"what is worng with me!" type Guilt. And working is almost a joke. Though I try.
Thanks for your continued sharing and suggestions. please if you can, answer the q's in my previous post on this thread. Thanks so much,
Zoebess you're the best!
: )