Re: movements
I've written this a number of times... But here goes:
If you are not having regular bowel movements there is something in your diet which you are intolerant to. I used to be massively constipated to the point where I cried out in pain when trying to go have a bowel movement.
For me it was wheat - every person is different so it is not neccessarily wheat you are intolerant to. Another obvious reason is of course that some people don't eat enough fruits and veggies. If you do, and you still have constipation, then it is pretty likely that you have a food intolerance.
Do you have any other symptoms besides constipation? How do you sleep at night? Are you constantly awake or are you sleeping to the point that no one can wake you? Do you have nightmares/night terrors on a regular basis? How is your skin? Do you have rings under your eyes? (sort of the panda bear look) Do you have what they now call restless leg syndrome? Are you moody/cranky and lash out at people without reason? Do you have migraines on a regular basis?
These are all symptoms of
food intolerances - it essentially means that your body is toxic because it can't process some of the foods you are eating properly and these toxins cause these symptoms.
It can be quite a journey to find out what is going on but one well worth it.
SWF (Salt-Water-Flush) ist NOT a good idea on a regular basis - it kills all the bacteria in the colon. Find the cause/root of the problem, then you won't need any help to get regular BM.