I'm not too fond of Drs..there are a few good ones that want to get to the heart of the problem instead of cutting your heart out or giving you some pill they are pushing at that time. I'm sure there are success stories. Yet , in the long run if doctors stood up and told the FDA, 'Hey ,you're killing us!' they would be higher on my list. They don't treat the body as a whole...most don't...and just shove a pill down your throat. Though, like I said ,there are some great ones!
My mom is alive and well at 80 and two years ago the doctors wanted us to 'pull the plug'!!!! no kidding...
I've had a couple of injuries the drs wanted to go nuts on, one incident I yanked my shoulder out carrying a color copier...the docs wanted $40,000...
a friend of mine turned me on to a great chiropractor...2 visits...$100
and a free neck crack.
Give the body a fighting chance and it will do wonders...I'm a true believer!