I switched from Master-Cleanse to juice fast. Didn't do the oj because the point of that was to "wake up" your digestion and if I'm still fasting, we wouldn't want to do that, right? I think I will continue to supplement with a few lemonades daily, if for no other reason than (a) I've still got 30 lemons left and (b) juicing can be expensive if your going for 3-6 glasses a day. 2 baskets of strawberries @ $1.69 each plus 1 basaket of blueberries @ 2.09 equals less than 16 ounces.
Thanks so much for your help. I tried in the juice fasting forum but that place is dead! I posted a similar question (or series of questions) more than 24 hours ago and only heard from 1 person.
Sipping (trying hard not to chug) some strawberry blueberry juice as we speak...