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Re: no need to judge
Geminilady Views: 1,376
Published: 19 y
This is a reply to # 248,003

Re: no need to judge

You said you lost 60 #, is that all the weigh you need to lose, or is there still more you want, to lose. If there is more, I would wait,until all weight is lost, and if you having skin hanging down your legs, then I would say go for it.

A friend of mine has had four plastic surgeries, after losing 140#, over the last 3 years. It takes about a year to totally recover from. Her last one was to fix up all the little imperfections she desired. They did liposuction on her upper legs, her vulva, her lower buttucks split it all around separated the skin and pulled it up like panty hose and did all the stitching , most between her legs and formed her lower buttucks like upside down hearts, gues that is the look, Than compression suit must be worn for along time and very little movement is available to you, You are on strong drugs like morphine for pain for a few days, you need someone with you for two- three weeks, because you can't do much yourself. ( Her Tummy Tuck and upper buttucks was done in the surgery before this one,) It took the same kind of care, This one also did perfections on it, and Fat was liposuctioned out of area under breat (rib cage) under arms In pits behind arms cut skin removed and stiched up Compression suit from under breast down to ankles. You are swollen, You can get comfortable,.

Another thing to consider is with the removal of stomach area, and excess fat, will you be comfortable having intercourse. This women is not, she hurts every single time, because he can get so much closer to her, and he loves it. There are all kinds of issues to deal with. Do you have children at home, will they understand, mommy being drugged up and mommy hurting?

Yes, she looks good, Is she any happier, NO! Of course, every person is different
and every surgery has their own ups and down. So only you can decide what to do. Pray, talk, think, talk and decide, on your own, your the one who has to go through all of it. I care,


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