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Re: Master Cleanser and eyesight
Somer Views: 2,626
Published: 19 y
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Re: Master Cleanser and eyesight

I did 4-5 flushes before I got anything but chaff and a few pea sized units. They say if your liver is very congested the stones can be too packed in to move til you have flushed a few times... 2 week intervals suggested.

Do you have support for your very long fast? I was extremely glad more than once that I had my wonderful naturopath on line. I had a major kidney crisis on day 18 lasting about a week during which I passed a small kidney calcification (ouch). I was able to fast through with herbal and homeopathic assistance... Could have been hairy without help! I had another very nasty crisis on day 57 when a pouch of DAY GLO ORANGE bile exploded in dramatic fashion in my colon causing a couple days like the workst flu of my life with very colorful diarrhea (better out than in)... again, good to have support. I also did colonics every ten days which I know helped offload the toxic waste.

ALSO... about two months after, I lost hair. LOTS of hair, over about another two months!! I was again happy to have my naturopath to explain the metabolic changes causing this. It did grow back...

This year I did 50 days, but as a series of ten day fasts with ten days cleansing diet between. MUCH easier on the body, MUCH easier to break (I was still breaking the 60 day fast SIX MONTHS later!).

My main goal has been colon cleansing over the past almost four years. The big turning point was the 60 day fast, and in that way it was well worth it. Otherwise... a very long haul like that is a LOT of work, and I would not recommend it without professional supervision.

Good luck to you, and keep after that liver!

Happy New Year!


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