Re: Too much on Day 5/acne
Yes, the Aztec Secret Indian Healing Clay is a
Bentonite clay -- it's in powder form. You mix a paste and put it on your face. You can probably find it at your local drugstore, like a Savon or something.
The apple cider vinegar is a natural anti-bacterial. I'm using it now to kill a fungus I've got between my toes. So far it seems to be healing up the cracks, but I won't know for another week or so if I've completely gotten rid of it.
If your
Acne showed up during the fast, it's part of the detox. Keep hydrated with plenty of water to wash out your system. Don't be afraid to take brisk walks (or exercise) so that you get plenty of oxygen--inhale/exhale deeply. This is another way to get rid of toxins.
You can also wash your face 2-3 times a day with warm water & a mild soap -- like Ivory or a facial soap.
Good luck to you! Hope it works out. :-)