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UPDATE of Parasite Treatment
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UPDATE of Parasite Treatment

I've been on this site for some time now as I battle with massive parasitic hyperinfection from steroid prescriptions. I have 'things' everywhere in my body. About 12 years ago, following a 3-year stint in Peace Corps, in which I was sent to Uganda & vaccinated & pharameuticalized ALOT, I coughed up white worms. That began my battle and CureZone was my major (only) resource. As a medical practitioner, I knew that parasites are NEVER mentioned in training (other than malaria & a few 'neglected tropical diseases') and that practitioners are instructed to NOT treat and that there are no pharmaceuticals made for human use. The people knowing about parasites are veterinarians. I started years ago with a few protocols found here and joined the bunches of us struggling with self experimentation. Eventually I found Sharkman here who also had a hyperinfection and whose mother was a large animal vet & helped plan his care. Perfect. I was moving right along when COVID hit & we had to move after threats of forced vaccination from MediCare & our Health Plans. Ended up in Costa Rica where eventually, we found the vet supplies and IVM over the counter. BUT the gap in treatment was disastrous. Everything is back. Or, more likely, still there.

So, we are back on SHARKMAN'S PROTOCOL (we are on Protocol B). We are in the 6th month of daily treatment.
Fenbendazole, Ivermectin, Doxycycline, Berberine
We are also using Povidine-Iodine eye/nasal/gargle/mouthwash
DMSO with injectable IVM applied topically whenever they show themselves. FenBen is not dissolvable in DMSO but can work if dissolved first in a bit of alcohol, then added to the DMSO.
DMSO 50%-100% used topically (skin sores, nasal, mouth) and orally (1 tblspn/day).

WHAT I'VE LEARNED: every living thing has parasites (unwanted, uninvited 'things' that live in our bodies, use our resources, & cause damage, eventually disease & death). These things include worms, bacteria, viruses, fungi ETC. The names don't matter. Even these things have parasites of their own. In addition, they may cloak themselves in other 'things/biofilm' to hide themselves from the immune system = stealth. We have probably been infected since birth.

Most of us have ASCARIS: larger white worms that tend to vibrate in the tissues (anywhere)). They are NOT only in the gut. We both had huge nests in our feet/ankles. Many encysted (long-term holding state). Their lifecycle includes the lung & the sinuses in which babies are matured and dropped conveniently into the throat for constant re-infection. Our feet, after 6 months of daily treatment, are still producing live crawlers which wiggle their way upward (toward the head) with every treatment. When they die, in the skin, they leave open, itchy sores. Our legs are covered with sores. The Doxy is helping. They can be more difficult to kill (since they are bigger) & leave larger, sometimes long worm-like lumps in the tissues when killed. These take a long time for the body to remove.

STRONGLYLES/Red threadworms: small. slender threads, everywhere, not only in the gut. We had many in the head, eyes, ears, sinuses, throat, tonsils, mouth. I vomited them, gargled them out, spit them out. They are probably the ones in our jaws, eating our teeth at the roots. Also inside the lips (look for small lumpy things instead of the smooth lip lining). The ones in our faces did NOT respond to the first 6 months of treatment. It was only after I discovered the Povdine/Iodine protocol that they showed themselves.
Probably the Povidine/Iodine disturbed their biofilm stealth cover, making them now susceptible to the treatment.

TAPES: often found in the muscle tissues, brain. Larger, often encysted. When killed in the tissues leaves a large, hard knot which takes a lot of time for the body to clear. Can palpate in the muscles (calves often, resulting in large calves. I had some in my shoulder muscles \traps which were also enlarged).

OTHER THINGS: There seem to be some other small, things infecting our head, face, necks primarily. They wiggle & itch, & crawl & seem to leave skin tags where they are. I have these skin tags/warty/mole things near where they are (around the eyes, mouth, ears & neck) which also change & react to treatment. They leave small lumps when killed in the tissues.

1) The primary goal of treatment must be stopping their breeding and massive egg laying. We cannot out-treat their reproduction. That is why we chose pharmaceutical treatment (rather than herbal - which we tried). These Pharmaceuticals (IVM & FenBen) both have properties which interfere with their reproduction (herbals doubtful).

2) the plan must kill consistently at a rate that your body can manage to clean up the toxic garbage (dead things in the body + their dead parasites + their stealth cover). Too much can overwhelm, too little they breed.

3) manage the herxing bodily reaction to the toxins. Fluids, electrolytes, rest, sunshine, Epsom Salt baths, NAC, glutathione, quercetin can all help. Also Sharkman uses doxycycline regularly to help with this (secondary inflammation from the stealth biofilms & toxins related to the parasites). Belief: No Herxing, no dead things.

STATUS: At the 6 month mark, I still have large things crawling up the legs, which are still covered with very slow healing sores. ITCHY. Just completing a huge sinus 'infection/clearing' following dentistry removal of teeth rotted at the roots. Over 2 months of intense sinus mucus & pressure. Nasty, foul, yellow endless stuff. Affected eyes & ears. ITCHY, scratchy, RED, SWOLLEN. Finishing up now. Had 2 weeks of coughing up lung 'stuff'. Did not seem to have worms this time, but just the same yellow, foul stuff as the sinuses. Nest left overs?

The more we threaten them, the more driven they are to breed & survive. Currently, feeling them (few now) in new places (back, abdomen, labia, hands & arms). They seem to react in waves or something. Encysted ones coming out? Maybe their stealth protection is affected by the Doxy. Originally in CureZone there was discussion about this observation. Maybe some parasites cover/protect others which can then only be affected after killing the cover.

Herxing: fatigue = #1. Varying levels. Helped with Allithiamine, Mg & B complex. Sunshine. Keep eating. Rest, etc. Currently the fatigue is MUCH less. Feeling MUCH better.

Plan to keep it up until nothing felt & no other signs, skin sores healing.



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