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Re: cancers

Book of Moses is a major part of old testament and when you look for the specific book--that part of the world has "confusing" multiple books, many books. So I never wasted my time reading "those" books, the basics I assume are used in the old testament and with the movies etc. most people have an idea of who Moses was...

note worthy: Pastor Hoteama that wrote 50+ books, mostly about forbidden subjects, ancient history, current history in his lifetime etc. of which most of his books were based on biblical history---he wrote some of the most bazaar stories, such as "adam" was the very first "defective" female and that "all" human females were complete, no such thing as a "male" and she laid an egg for the human baby---etc., etc. etc. and he had the belief that Elijah and Paul were the 2 "real" characters of the bible history..he also believe Paul/Jesus was the same person--and many of his theories were unique to him---but he had endless earth history that seamed to make allot of sense..reading the 50+ free Hotema books on line today is a unique earth history. While the Book of Jesus, makes all the other books--a mute subject. The book is either real, or deserves to be burned--it is a yes or no book, no room for in between ideas.

I had the same theory of the Book of David, another old testament subject and when looking for such a book; again that part of the world has different versions--

Book 3 says book 1 was truth and the people rejected it.
The same for Book 2
Book 3 because book 1 and 2 rejected by the people and nothing in book 1 or 2 was wrong---

If anything the difference would be that Book 3 covers from the beginning of the planet earth, how the sun functions, all the planets are born and go through their process and how all the endless galaxies are all made and that God can make a million new planets with a single thought..and most of all, earth is not home. That and well describes from the lowest to the highest levels of humanity...what to expect when you die..

So book 1 ignores all the garbage in the bible---has zero interest in the tribes, the military and all the bla bla bla religions---kings and queens have zero meaning---book 3 is about humans and their creator- God. Period. So it makes zero difference what you look like, how to speak, where you came from---the education from 1 teacher makes it simple---God created you-- end of subject.

You live and exist for God, not $$ or some king / ruler...and all you need to know is to Love God and then you have succeeded..

The WILD THING is that Jesus wrote that Elijah, Enoch, Himself and another would return right after world war---a 2,000+ year prediction and they would "warn" the world to repent----they did so for many many years----Billy Paul Branham attended front row and center world wide and watched it all---he grew up watching ----and he said when Elijah would say demons B Gone---people fell over dead and he and people would oick thre dead bodies up and pile them up like cord wood----many churches many years later made utube videos of Billy telling his life story--that and so many books and world wide audio--------the first man to write the first book, his wife went up to Canada to a meeting with her girlfriend and they watched the entire town be healed and they took all the beds out of the hospital and burned them in the streets... in america it was "simple" they came to town and always healed 200 of the sickest people, but if the town got with it and repented---the ENTIRE town would be healed and crazy things went on as people got up and walked or the dead got up..

in each town, it was always known ahead of time the 200 that would be was all foreseen..and the first man to ask Elijah ---told me that he listened and watched what was going on in America and he said the only man to ever walk earth with that much courage and power was Elijah---so he walked up to him and asked---are you Elijah? He said Elijah said, yes it is I and We will return at the "end"----soon and in Book 3, The End is also pretold.... and the suggestion from other books written about Jesus in the 1800's; is that Jesus forewarned the world of world war 1 in the 1880's and showed college professors full color video of the battles...basically saying world war 1 was already known over 2,000 years ago in detail...

The first man to talk to Elijah was Pastor Lee Vayle-- a very tall and powerful man..he was considered the best friend of the group of men that traveled earth and "warned" everyone to repent--- THE WOW FACTOR is that for 30 years---common people were able to ASK any question possible and receive an answer.......every possible question on just about every subject-----such as---ask God / God's friends; any question you can think of---

Pastor Vayle told me he was setting with the one that Elijah "used'; and he was talking with God and he said the man's face reminded him of a "whipped" dog----------once done talking, this man looked at Pastor Vayle and said, God said if you like, you can talk to Him and ask any question you want----Vayle said he went paralyzed in fear and said- no. Pastor Vayle died not too long ago and was highly respected in USA / Canada and Australia. People around the world sent him $$$ all the time, trying to gain an audience with him...his "helper" told me that 90% of the checks were torn up and otherwise the $$ used to help people around the world. Pastor Vayle believed in Pr-Destination! When he was dying of prostrate cancer many years ago--his type people always used natural, none medical help---and sought out herbs. When asked, I gave his helper thus and that and when asked for $$, I said no, if the guy your helping is an elderly pastor, he can have it for free for the rest of his life---after about 5 years, I met him for the first time and he told his helper that that boy did not give me those herbs for free---it was 1 of his teachers, Dr. John R. Christopher "using" his body to give me what I needed...he later told me that he met Dr. Christopher when he was poor and that he hired Dr. Christopher to teach the church people and that is how Christopher got his big start as a teacher..and Vayle believed Christopher re-turned the favor when Vayle was in need....all sounded good to me....and vayle then used the same herbs for many of his elderly pastor friends in 3 countries.. 2 simple formulas for all.

"IF" I had never met Dr Pastor Lee Vayle and his friends and family of those that traveled the world with Elijah---then I probably would have "ignored" any book saying Jesus would return after world war 1-----to get to know the man that was at every meeting world wide and hear their stories, books and Pastor Lee Vayle wrote the first book and when given a copy of that book--what happened as a result-- was allot to deal with..and such books and history is not to be "messed" with.....not kids stuff...

The third book, is Jesus's life, given as light, lived in a human body---thus the book is ALIVE today! After returning to warn the entire world population after world war 1---there was only 1 more prediction: THE END, the last days--when the earth self-cleanses again.

This has to be true, for 1 super simple fact---the earth has self-cleansed in the past. Jesus said all life will be dead by day 7-----Day 1 Elijah tells the entire earth--- Demons B Gone and they all fall dead-- day by day all day 15, all mountains at the bottoms of the oceans---earth covered in water once again....self-cleansing..

Every mountain today has sea shells..

Where I live the lime table from the last ocean is 220 feet below. Last place I lived it was on top---no dirt.
That lie is loaded with sea shells.
My brother married well drillers, so I learned about the many layers below, the layers of ASTEROIDS! How this earth has been living through time.........and not all the B/S from the lying public school teachers and their false books.

So based on 1930's forward---my guess is, Book 3, the life of Jesus, is a Legit Book.

I never heard of the book until a year or so ago---thanks to the late Dr. Cass Ingram that published the Israeli translation that a rabbi and Cass decided to call---The Forbidden Scriptures..and even though Dr. Cass was not that old and appeared in great health---he was found dead in his house and that book was not printed again. Like other drs, right after his death---evil drs world wide started condemning his history! The same happened with Dr. Robt Jackson, M.D. his last book in 1928 exposed the God Cure and he was found dead shortly after and drs/his country still mocking him to this very day--with hatred.

The Book exposes the greatest crime in human history for 500+ years---500+ years ago, the organized lied about Jesus---all was good till that happened....that lie, caused world war---and creation of slavery.

For 1500 years the third book of God was translated in many languages----hand written books and 500 years ago, the organized "burned" the 1 original Third Book of God...they burned the copies; but could never burn them all...the book was translated from Italian to English for the first time in 1908.


The evil is this---- the organized----Blame The MUSLIMS and say those liars wrote the book---it is 100% fake!

This made the Israeli rabbi and Dr. Cass Ingram print the book with a large commentary- where the rabbi explains the past 2,000 years of history of The BOOK, who found it, where they kept it, the history of the book for the past 2,000 years......

The Muslims? If they read the book, they would not like it---so surely they had nothing to do with its creation.........but if they read the book well, they will like the 4th book of God. Jesus wrote that "after" the earth is made all new, life on earth will be PARADISE and fulfill the promise God made 60,000 years before God made the planet--called earth.

Otherwise what gives the book credibility is when I asked our local old pastor, and his dad and his grandfather and his children were/are all pastors--- when I asked him, because I knew him well for 25 years-----he told me, BECAUSE I KNOW, that YOU KNOW Pastor Lee Vayle (he was alive back then) -- I KNOW, YOU KNOW---otherwise I was trained in bible college to lie to anyone that should ever ask about the return of Elijah / Jesus and call it all a lie and evil and to stay away from all such evil people spreading such lies....because Jesus is dead. BUT, he said BECAUSE you KNOW PASTOR VAYLE and you KNOW----lets forget you ever asked---but he added: "IF" I told you what I know, I would be fired and no church would ever hire me!

After I read the third book of God, it has to me what he knew and when I asked him, he refused comment and walked away........and yes, he would be fired and no church would ever hire him ever.....and since those days---his health has decayed and today he is a pathetic example, on drugs and operations...

Third Book of God questions to ask:

1. WHY did Jesus pick the devil (Judas) as 1 of his original disciples?

The people of earth had NO PROBLEM with that for 1500 years----not until the "organized" set out to rewrite history and when they printed their first book---that book started war and country by country the adults killed and the children raised to believe the rewritten history------and split the world at least 3+ different religions....

The third book of God makes every religion a mute subject... 1 human and 1 God, nothing else matters.

Jesus explains satan in great clarity...Jesus has no fear of satan, Jesus explains he asked God to forgive satan and save him and satan denied and wants all life on earth dead...

Every religion, every gov hates the Third Book of God! Yet, when Elijah, Jesus etc, returned and traveled the entire earth- every religion/gov feared them....every demon feared them.


The Far East books explain how Jesus educated 12 professors for 3.5 years, gave them copies of earth's ancient records that were in a city over 100 feet below the sand, explained much and everything--made from AIR / LIGHT and no death---that humans can travel at the speed of light-----Jesus explained how far far far away planets are---how they were all made and distances, etc..and what is there....

what should concern people is that these same colleges--oxford / harvard by 1850's understood dead people and could ask dead people to work etc... their books forbidden in the slave countries, such as usa...

TRANSLATORS from EVERY LANGUAGE on earth misinterpreted the Third Book of God....Just 1 example, the book says each human has an angel on each side that records all truths and all lies-------today cameras show each human has a pillar of light on each side of them........virtually every word of the third book from God is subject to be misinterpreted... NO ONE KNOWS, because those with their ring---they burned the ONLY BOOK written with Jesus. Written by Hid best friend that seen his entire life story..


Both have a question after hearing the new testament bible story---both cry at the idea---GOD KILLED HIS ONLY SON! Both say that makes no sense.......and pastors that discovered over 2,000 lies in the bible all were treated the same---they were captured, tied to an iron stake, covered with wood and set on fire.....that is the only way they could change history.

The third book of God? Every child and every prisoner will say the same thing---"That Makes Sense", I too Love God!

Dr. Robert Jackson, M.D. discovered the God Cure and wrote his simple path to learning: God is Good, God is Always Good!

To answer your question---once you understand the Israeli / Rabbi translation that Dr. Cass Ingram published, you learn the "common" name the book goes by and even AMAZON.COM self-publishes the english translation for $8

You can not un-read the book!

You can burn the book, but you can never unread it! 1/3+ of the world will hate you for reading it---- every church would condemn you!

Because they burned the original book- beginners should read the commentary published by Cass Ingram----

IF you understand the bible front to back, what created it and why and the results-----then you would do fine with the bare copy Amazon prints for little to nothing------even amazon is scared of the gov and says on the back cover that the book may be fake..



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