cancers and worms are a thing
like cancers, worms are also a result!
BEWARE those that push drugs that kill worms as cancer cures---
like cancers and worms, their wormer drugs cause more poisons that cause things like more cancers, more worms.
POISONS cause cancers / worms / deaths
A body with no poisons would be impossible to die a natural death.....
De - Worming is GREAT, but using poisons is just stupid, especially if the body is loaded with lead, mercury, aluminum, titanium dioxide and any number of 60,000+ poisons..
Those pushing chemical de-worming are just pushing for more ill health----
Real DeWorming is when your BLOOD hunts down the parasites, kills them, dissolves them and properly expels them---------when you use some cheap poison to poison your worms---you just create more problems for your blood.
TAKE your clothes off and get a full body Tan is superior to anything those quacks can write...
avoid or remove the poisons because as long as you are poisoned, your going to have lots and lots of worms.....
once your oxygen lowers and your 3+ trillion lymes worms start making enzymes to dissolve you---all their their de-wormer poisons are not going to harm the worms..
poisons lower your oxygen----
de-wormer drugs do not remove your poisons, so they do not stop or cure cancers / death.
The Sun cures----but the Sun does not remove man made metal/poisons....
The Sun does not remove the rock you drank.
If you do not want cancers, grow or buy better foods and never drink dirty water or toxic drinks----it is very simple to not develop cancers/diseases......
cancers are not out to get you-- you were poisoned and disease/death just a natural result of being poisoned.
yet? all their treatments are poisons.......hmmmm
everything anti-cancer, should always be good! Not only after you have cancers---- killing cancers seems "backwards', death is just more food for the parasites..