The head
The head should pump and circulate and the 26 bones "MOVE" with each pump----
Many people do not have their head on straight---due to natural delivery and they never self-corrected.
Many babies are head bangers as they try to release their head bones.
People with dental work such as "bridges" lock up their head bones.
If the pump is restricted, causing stagnant blood and bones can not move---it creates a mess.
The pump has a switch--------bones touch, switch pump on, bones separate and switch turns off...automatic
BONES touching for a lifetime, switch on----yikes no wonder so many have head aches.
People with necks stuck outward and otherwise their heads literally not correctly located, not only look messed up, they are messed up and often been so their entire lifetime and adapted as "normal".
The good chiropractors literally relocate the head on day old babies---they don't exist today.
99.9% will not adjust adults, they don't know how or scare to.
By 2000 they have electronic devices that they claim can correct the head location in as little as 10 minutes--but cost a fortune and most people would be too scared to try it.
Having skull bones locked up creates a lifetime of problems---the skull is like a puzzle, and should never be solid.
Your skull should move when you breathe.
SAME with the lungs--the lungs also have a pump. They pump the mud up into your throat / sinus to be dumped.