18 m
Re: kill rats dead with cornbread mix & baking soda
mice is a universal food for predators------birds love to eat mice and coyotes / dogs live on mice.
coyotes will eat mice all night long and large birds constantly dive bomb fields as they pick up mice.
RATS? People normally do not see the RATS, but they fill the corn fields and they live in the dark---when kids trapped muskrats long ago, it was not abnormal to catch field rats in the creeks, under the water. RATS can get huge.
My brothernlaw purchased a farm once that had pigs and the poop was 2 feet thick and we would go out with 2x4 boards and turn on the lights in the barn and whack rats to death--he eventually cleaned it all out and it was endless rats living in that barn,
Same with my brother, he purchased a dairy farm and the bum kid that lost the farm after inheriting it free from his dad, never cleaned up the cow brother purchased rat killed by the buckets and they picked up 5 gallon buckets of dead rats every day for over a month.
BIG CITIES may be plagued with rats---but they live naturally in the wild and like cities---rats THRIVE where the poop is thickest.
When I was a kid, there were snakes EVERY WHERE, especially the large milk snakes and blue racers---the blue racers would chase humans--but where I live there are no poisonous snakes...............THESE SNAKES ARE GONE----farm poisons or something KILLED THEM---so gov for the first time ever introduced coyotes to the state and they replaced the snakes, but it takes snakes to kill the mice---so mice/rat are thick in the USA and they carry disease.......bubonic plague, the lab type uses mice to spread the plague. Mice in cities all over america have been found with plague type germs that do not belong in nature---proof the labs are all around.