Re: Master Cleanse Beginner questions
i would talk to your doctor about it.
you seems to be on a lot of things. detoxing and
parasite cleansing are hard on your liver. and you are already pumping a bunch of stuff through your system.
i also suggest to wean yourself off all the meds that you dont need to function. (mental meds)
and do that
parasite cleanse and the master cleanse.
it has been the ONLY thing that helped my wrist and knee perm. i was in so much pain my eyes would water. and that was on ES vicodins...
for back pain relief now instead of chemicals:
try "tart cherry juice" you can find it at health food stores and if you google it something will come up.
it worked better for me than vics and advil.
and it actually seemed to cure the constant intensity for awhile. the pain came back after a bit. BUT after i did
The Master Cleanse it has not come back at all.
i couldnt believe it.