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Complicated Flatworm infection

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mattk3 Views: 1,044
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Complicated Flatworm infection

>I found this message on the server.
>I attached it below with my comments.

>Yes, occasionally I check for email on curezone.
>Mostly I work in a private group, BCC.
>The best MD in the USA is Dr Yu.
>Yes there is a lot of information to digest.
>I spent years working on getting up to speed, working 24/7.
>I was very complicated.
>I cured more than a dozen species, I was near death for a long time.
>I started the BCC group, and eventually got much better.
>I have one species left, which I manage.

Re: HELP! How many different parasites can one person have? Eek!

Thanks for getting back with me so quickly. I am sorry to hear you are still fighting, however, it sounds like you are a fighter, which is important. I checked in with you because the similarities that we have are almost exact (including your photo). The interesting connection that I focused on was the worldly travel. I too travel to China, India and nearly everywhere else. This all started for me about 6 months ago after I returned from Dalian, China. I had this weird fluttering on my left side, just below my heart. It didn't hurt, it was just like a muscle spasm, more of an irritant for about 6 weeks. I recall thinking that perhaps something was stuck and having trouble getting through my intestines. Well, all of that changed on Aug, 15th. I was in such pain, that I would have went to the ER if I wasn't on a business trip outside the country. Fortunately, that really bad pain only lasted 3 or 4 hours, however, I have been in chronic pain ever since. My pain never goes away and it is located mostly on my right side / flank and on my left side, where the fluttering began. Lately, I have been having what feels like liver pain - based on the location. Like so many others, I am exhausted, brain fog, and my pain is fatiguing and I often wonder how I will be able to carry on with my career if I can't find a cure quickly. Like you, I have the same signs in my stool. I hate that I have resorted to dumpster-diving in my own poo, but it is one of the very few diagnostic tools that I have.

I have what look like flukes and these flat, thread like 'worms.' Your photo is nearly identical to what I am seeing.

Like everyone else, I went to multiple doctors and have had test after test with nothing showing out of the ordinary. I too have taken matters into my own hands...At least temporarily, to try and solve this.

>Correct, Taking treatment into your own hands is the only way to get cured.

I started keeping a log of what and when I take meds so that I can hopefully draw some conclusions. I have tried Mebendazole and that didn't do much, but I didn't get worse either. I tried Flagyl, this was just a shot in the dark, and holy crap, my reaction to that was awful.

>Complicated infections can present after a long time. People can get bacterial systemic infections, fungal systemic infections, ameba and many other pathogens. Commonly for those who eat seafood infections, complicated flatworm infections occur. Sushi causes its own disease, very common.

I only lasted 3 days on it. I tried Niclosamide (tapeworm) for 5 days and didn't notice any changes.

I then tried Triclabendazole, 3 days worth and that is when my liver area started to hurt.

>I would conclude that you have a complicated flatworm infection.
>...these are flatworm meds.

>My flatworm formula uses Praziquantel, Albendazole, Vitamin D3, and Calcium.
>Before you start to treat parasites it is important to do challenge tests.
>This challenge test process is 3 days of each med, one after another, with a day off between tests. Reactions and notes are taken so that a pattern of med >reactions is observed.

>Place to start is with a history form.
>Then since you have a flatworm infection, once your sublingual Ph is greater than 6, you start a stasis dose of Praziquantel to prevent the flatworm >infection from getting any worse.

>Then a round of challenge tests are performed, with daily supplements, and having emergency supplements on hand. It takes a while to explain the process.

Now, like you I am on a version of ICU's protocols. I took Praziquantel for 5 days and overlapped Albendazole on days 4 and 5 (as I write this I am on day 5). I plan on staying on for 10-14 days and then taking a liver break. If things get worse, I will start round 2 of the Albendazole. If things remain the same, I might do the Clark's 15-day cleanse. I have not done any vitamins or clenses to date, mostly because I wanted to hit with a hammer first, hoping that I would be clear of this quickly.

>I would do a single dose of Praziquantel daily 6 PM, like 1/2 to 3/4 teaspoon powder, in 3 tbs Greek Gods yogurt, or yoplait strawberry yogurt, to start. This will not cure anything, but will prevent clogged liver, gallbladder, and the infection will stop getting worse while you get up to speed and start challenge tests.

>Until you are taking detox routine, mineral, metals, immune supplements, I would not try any other antiparasitics.
>To be safe, your Ph must be greater than 6. Meds will not work if your tongue Ph is less than 6.
>Long term parasitic infections can cause the loss of many things in your body, have you had a hair analysis?

For me, the crazy thing is that this just started all of the sudden on a specific day (that I will never forget). One day healthy, full of energy and happy...The next, not so much. I am thinking about doing a capsule endoscopy if I can get insurance to approve. Isn't it interesting that we have very similar situations with travel to locations such as China? It makes me wonder...What did we catch and why is it so hard to diagnosis? I don't recall, do you have much pain? Also, how is your pain tolerance? I kind of think that I might be a little sensitive and have a lower pain tolerance...

>There is a process to use to clear the body of parasites.
>Contact me using private mail.
>We can talk.


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