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Re: 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead

Original Dr. Hulda Clark
Hulda Clark Cleanses

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Re: 69 athletes collapse in one month, many dead

This below is where i got the athletes dying stuff from.

Dozens of Vaxxed Athletes Are Suddenly Collapsing and Nobody’s Allowed to Ask Why
The "vaccine" narrative is collapsing as quickly as healthy athletes... at least the narrative WOULD be collapsing if it wasn't all getting covered up.

by JD Rucker

November 26, 2021

There’s an extremely inconvenient truth for vaxx-nannies that is quietly surfacing across the globe. Professional athletes, who are among the healthiest people on the planet, are collapsing with inexplicable and sudden heart conditions, often while in the middle of playing their games. The only common thread among them is that they were all recently injected with the Covid-19 jabs.

Unfortunately, this truth is being kept under wraps. Nobody’s allowed to state the obvious or ask questions that could expose the reality of great harm being caused by the vaccines. Just yesterday, stories emerged, including video, of professional soccer star Adama Traore collapsing on the field while grabbing at his chest. But when one of the announcers started inquiring on-air about his vaccine status, the broadcast was cut off.

The facts surrounding this long string of events, which includes nearly six dozen fallen athletes in the last month alone, are thin. Literally nobody on the teams, in the hospitals where the athletes are treated, or among media is talking about the obvious connection between jabs and young people experiencing sudden heart problems. We’re stuck in the ultimate medical Catch-22; nobody’s allowed to say that it’s the vaccines because there’s no “proof” but nobody with access is allowed to inquire to find the proof.

By definition, this is a conspiracy. There was a time not too long ago when an athlete falling from a medical condition on the field would be front-page news with investigative reporters working with doctors to determine what happened. Today, investigative reporters have been replaced by vaccine propagandists and doctors have been replaced by Big Pharma narrative-enforcers. And by “replaced,” I’m not saying there are new people at the helm. It’s the same people. Their missions have changed (or been changed for them) in the age of Covid and The Great Reset.

Below is an article from Free West Media that documents the 69 cases of athletes collapsing just in the last month. We need this information to spread far and wide in hopes that someone, anyone with access to information will be able and willing to blow the whistle.
At Least 69 Athletes Collapse in One Month, Many Dead

The reports of athletes who suddenly collapse have been increasing noticeably lately. Heart problems such as heart inflammation are often the cause – one of the known life-threatening side effects of Covid vaccines, which even the manufacturers themselves warn against.




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