The pinnacle of health, athletes seem to have an edge over the rest of society. Their grueling workout and nutrition programs, mixed with natural genetic athleticism, puts them ahead of others in the natural immunity category. So why are young athletes suddenly collapsing and/or dying from heart complications?
The sports world has mostly mandated vaccines and athletes have been forced to either abandon their careers or get the jab. Since the COVID vaccines became available, nearly 300 athletes have experienced cardiac arrest and over 167 have died. Something is wrong.
The American Journal of Roentgenology published an article on cases of myocarditis (i.e., heart inflammation) among athletes who received the vaccination. Dr. Lydia Chelala of the University of Chicago Medicine and her team acknowledged that heart issues “in adolescents and young adults after COVID-19 mRNA vaccination have [been reported].” Since diagnosing myocarditis is largely based on patients displaying symptoms, the ailment can be harder to detect in otherwise healthy young adults. “A study in young athletes with confirmed COVID-19 showed that a substantial proportion of individuals had subclinical myocarditis on screening cardiac MRI,” they noted. “Subclinical myocarditis may also be possible after COVID-19 vaccination … To better understand a possible association, the CDC has encouraged further investigation of myocarditis following COVID-19 mRNA vaccination,” the study stated.
Without going so far as to suggest requiring MRI scans after vaccination (a very expensive option in the US), the researchers urged healthcare providers to “recognize the role of cardiac MRI in the assessment of patients with suspected myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination.”
Good Sciencing compiled the following list to honor athletes who have lost their lives due to forced vaccinations:
“The COVID shot is a normal vaccine. The COVID shot is safe. These injuries and deaths are normal.”
Investigations in progress. No news media documentation found in this section so far. Some names may be spelled incorrectly. Dates may be wrong. We found correct details for more than 10 like this so far. Now we are adding them to this area of the list, but not counting them in the headline total, until documentation is found. Any assistance would be appreciated.
There is insufficient information to decide if any of these collapses or deaths are related to COVID vaccinations. More investigation is needed. Any help would be appreciated because keeping with with the ongoing investigations isn’t easy. These are listed here because they appear in some lists as vax-caused, but we believe there is either currently insufficient information to decide or other explanations seem to overrule vax-caused, such as cancer.