I have followed Master-Cleanse directions and have had usual results. four or five good BM's every morning with broken up dark brown/blackish stuff. However, today something new happened. Just before entering the stream room i coughed up a little round stone that was light tan in color with a smooth yet bumpy suface. I broke it open easily and the smell made me gag. it was about 1 cm. I self induced hard coughs and some really tiny pieces came out of my mouth. I'm home now and have a sensation that something is lodged in my throat behind my adams apple. I want to emphasize the smell. It's worse than a decaying animal. I'm 35 y.o. male musician (assume all the stereotypes regarding experimental drug use) The only drug i've ever abused is alcohol. I could really use some help diagnosing this. I feel more is on it's way out soon. Sorry i have no camera to post these little monsters. I know for sure they are being forced out as a result of this brilliant cleanse. Thank you in advance for your wisdom and input. one love, brian