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Re: Morgellons - My Journey

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Re: Morgellons - My Journey

Hi. I've got the related crawlies (can catch and photograph them) and found this worked as well, though some can hold their breath for a very, very long time.

After 4 years, I finally made a giant ozone sterilization box with dryer tube attached to the ozone generator, and dumped my cloths in there.

Ozone is mildly poisonous gas that in concentration irritates the lining of your lungs etc, causing uncontrolled coughing enough to eventually kill you, or people in the apartment next door. Maybe people can die in their sleep with a big unit going on on another room from leakage of the ozone through the buildings joints. For this reason, and to increase effectiveness, I make sure my sterilastion box is sealed air tight with various airtight sealer strips.

I have a little ozone generator meant to sterilize fruits and vegetables, make ozonated water etc, of significant strength in order to supply enough ozone to the cloths. It has an air dryer tube, which is important. Moisture in the air drastically reduces the amount of ozone produced, and without it, the moisture combines with nitrogen in the ozone generating device reducing function, and requiring cleaning. However these types of ozone generators use a type of internal tube (UV light or electric) either sealed and not really cleanable, or hard to clean (the cleanable one is more desirable, as even with the dryer, it's normally going eventually need to be cleaned anyway, just a lit longer. It also means it will last longer).

I position the ozone resistant inlet and out let tubes at opposite corners of the box, one top and one burried in the bottom, to get the ozone to flow through the cloths. The cloths have a lot of area to suck up the ozone, do a very small unit might be able to get enough ozone through the cloths.

Ozone units get really hot and using too long can ruin/reduce it's life. I use a timer to turn the unit off and in, according to how much the unit is rated to do. Often units are rated at up to half and hour, and have timers for that, and and continuous setting I used with my timer. It's why I am using a unit where I can put the hot ozone machine in a safe place outside the box, so the cloths don't catch on fire, also a good reason to use an air filter on the inlet to stop lint building up in the tubes.

The bigger units tend to use open plasma plates and are crazy hot. I've had units 100 times bigger than you need for a house, you use while out to avoid lung irritation. One can definitely buy too strong a unit, and make mistakes. I've used one of my stronger units to control the bugs in the house, but forgot to turn off the main switch one time. I came out if my carefully sealed air-conditioned room one morning to find it had fine the whole house and wore off after there were no more active segments selected in the 24 timer (warning, the new timers it's easy to accidentally press segments when picking up, handling or putting down, making machine operate too long or not when intended). So, I got a second two hour stop timer to plug the unit into, then plugged that into the 24 hour segmented timer. Now, it will finish after it has done up to 2 hours gassing. Every time the 24 hour segment is on, part of the 2 hour time is used up. Once used up, it won't allow the unit to operate anymore, even if I forget to turn it off. But, I still turn it off out of safety habit, as if I forget to plug in the 2 hour timer, or its faulty, I don't want to turn it off anyway. Unplugging each time is better.

I have not tried ozonated water.

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