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Morgellons - My Journey
spanky3311331333 Views: 9,644
Published: 11 y

Morgellons - My Journey

Hello All,
Just like everyone on this page I am a Morgellons sufferer. I've been inflicted with this disease for the last 3 years. It has torn apart my life in every single way imaginable. I've gone from being broke to going insane to growing personally to becoming a better, more positive person.

I do not know what Morgellons is or if I have it. But I do have something similar, that sounds like Morgellons, but feels like a parasite. This parasite, though, does not seem to die. It is invincible. It is invisible. And it harbors everywhere from clothes to cars to offices. It bites. It crawls. It itches. It multiplies!

The first 2 years of this disease I almost went insane. Absolutely bonkers over the symptoms. I tried every remedy I could get my hands on. Sometimes twice or thrice just to validate its inefficiency. My bank account became drained. My life became void. My hope was lost. The people around me thought I was nuts. I was living a life of solitude in fear of spreading the disease. I kept Morgellons a big secret. No one had to know what I was going through. They had no idea!

By my 3rd year with the disease I told myself enough is enough. Something had to change. I could not have this forever. I was young. 26. Too young to be infected for the rest of my life. It was at that time I decided things had to change. I started a blog ( The blog was used as a personal therapist as well as a diary for me to document this journey. I, also, wanted to publish quality, non-biased, information about Morgellons and my first hand experience with the disease. I wanted someone to sit down and read my battle. I wanted someone...anyone to understand what I was going through!

Since that day things have changed! They had to. I researched and researched and researched. I put together experiences from the previous 2 years and well as new information gathered. I composed a mental plan of attack. I needed relief, but where was I to start.

To begin with I listed the my issues:
- itching, biting, crawling laundry
- itching, biting, crawling couches and bed
- itching, biting, crawling apartment and car
- crawling feeling around nose and shoulders
- symptoms appearing worse at night
- popping, flicking, and running feelings everywhere
- crawling and biting on head
- intense itching coming from no where

I had to start at what I thought were the sources. My laundry, my environment, my body.

I had a 3 fold plan to fix my body, treat my environment, and treat my laundry/cloth materials.

I started from new apartment had nothing but a couch and tile floors. But that didn't matter because it quickly became infected. Especially the couch. I threw out almost all laundry except for a weeks worth. But that, also, didn't matter because I could not rid my laundry of Morgellons. Whatever this was it was harboring in my body, being transferred to my clothes, then to any other place I resided. It was a complete mess. After much thought, the only place to start was my body. I had to fix myself. My health had been failing for years. I was susceptible to disease. Morgellons took over...

I had to fix my body. Thus, from my research I selected what I thought was the sure fire way. I began doing Liver/Gallbladder Miracle Cleanse by Andres Mortiz. Boy did this help!

It took a year of cleanses to actually start putting a dent in Morgellon's presence. But slowly, after each cleanse, my body was starting to reject Morgellons. I no longer was getting lesions or biting. The crawling remained, but the biting disappeared. I then felt I had to treat my environment.

I started with the laundry. I could not, for the life of me, remove Morgellons from my clothes. It was impossible. Soaking, bleaching, scrubbing, drying, etc. Nothing fully eradicated Morgellons. Nothing! Until just recently. I found Ozone! It works like a champ. No if, ands, or buts!

I began Ozoning my closet full of clothes for 15-60 minutes. All signs of Morgellons disappeared. It was great. You can see my journey, style of use, machine I use, and techniques all in my blog (

The final frontier was my environment. I had to completely eliminate Morgellons from my environment before I could be completely cured. I tried and I tried to no avail. Nothing worked. I bought dehumidifiers, foggers, sprays, pesticides, oils, etc. etc. Nothing worked without terrible side effects. Nothing that is until just a few months ago...I found Xtreme Cleen and Ozone. The 2 best things against this disease. I began spraying Xtreme Cleen and doing Ozone shock treatments. It worked. And amazingly! It was thee best weapon against Morgellons to date!

Anyways, to be short. It's been 3 years and I finally...finally! Got a grasp on Morgellons. I will be taking it down very shortly and almost guarantee my recovery. My journey has been long and hard. I've learned, a lot about the human body, about diseases, about myself, about parasites, about other people, and about Morgellons.

I do not know what this is or Morgellons is. But this is my journey. I hope it helps!

To leave off I just want to say:

Define a plan, find something that works, then stick with it. You will and can win!



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