I noticed the spelling about profit and commented on it because knowing Loquat as we do he doesn’t make errors like that, so that’s another untruth then. The problem I have with that posting of false untruths about a spiritualist and there’s more is this, people can read these postings and those who don’t follow the forum or religion will think it’s the truth. You know a few hundred years ago someone accusing a person of heresy put that person in real danger. How can we post on a forum when people are prepared to tell untruths about us. God hates it when we tell untruths so why is that ok for a person to do that and yet quote scripture to prove a point and be supported for doing that to another person? Isn’t that hypocritical? I see now what’s happening, yes it would be easy to find false negatives on someone through the search bar, if I wanted to find something good out about the Queen I could easily do that by typing in the search bar but if I wanted to slur her name I’m sure there’s plenty of that also if I typed in the search bar...