5 y
Re: Help!! Iodine is not healing my fibrocystic breast decease
I recommend Magnascent.
I would recommend Electrodine from ArrowheadHealthWorks even more, but they had to stop making it and recommended this as the next best alternative. It is monoatomic detoxified
Iodine and will not build up and become toxic within the body. Be careful to not get a regular Nascent
Iodine as this is not consumable. MAGnascent however, is, but you don't need as much (the 12.5-50+ mg)... mere drops. (It isn't as strong as Electrodine though... this is
Edgar Cayce 's original recipe, unaltered.)
I take 20 drops total, divided in half, 10 when I awake (in 2oz distilled water) and the other 10 before dinner. Apparently not good to take right before bed because it gives energy.
Highly recommended also is Dr. Joe Dispenza's books, meditations, courses, videos, etc... show called 'Rewired' on Gaia TV (like Netflix). Find the cause.
Best of luck.