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Re: How Much Syrup = 40 days?
Zoebess Views: 2,820
Published: 20 y
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Re: How Much Syrup = 40 days?

Thanks everyone, I know that *manifesting* is in the details, and since I live in the middle of nowhere, or close enough, the gas to go to Whole Foods and back would be about 50 bucks minimum. I think I will buy syrup online & have it sitting there as a reminder of my commitment. It will actually help me go further, even though the thought of consuming 2.5 gallons of maple syrup is intimidating. Under normal circumstances, that would be over a year supply for me and everyone here.

I've ordered cases of organic fruit and yeah, it seems to go bad before you can get to the bottom unless you have a lot of people using it, and some are bad just coming in the box. For my orange juicing at the end though, I hope to coordinate a case shipment since the new crop will be in and fresh organic orange juice is going to be one of my rewards for reaching my goal.

Thanks again,

the month of October, 1 smile, 1 star
and the month to fill up---sorta like stamp collecting
woo hoo--new hobby for the month :)


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