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Re: Why am i unable to take probiotics anymore?

Heal Gut Dysbiosis
Remove the gunk and repopulate with probiotics.

Cloves & Wormwood
Parasite Cleanse

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Re: Why am i unable to take probiotics anymore?

Hi Ralph74,

To perhaps understand the issue(s) better a few more questions:

1. What probiotic(s) did you take?
2. When you say you get a "similar reaction" when taking probiotics, what exactly is that reaction? Loose stools & reflux?
3. How much of the probiotic did you actually take that induced the symptoms?

The situation can be due to numerous causes, some that may be likely:

1. Quality of probiotic -
Low quality can cause numerous digestive issues and feed pathogens.
If prebiotics are included these can cause gut problems.
Or, some probiotic brands actually include bad pathogenic bacteria.

2. Probiotics can dislodge deep seated, chronic pathogens/ parasites which may still be causing you a problem in some way.
Some high quality probiotics act like powerful Antibiotics and dislodge various chronic infections in the GI tract. It is as if you started to treat an infection but stopped the treatment before the infection resolved.
When dislodging various infections in the body other toxic debris can be released: biofilm, mycotoxins, endotoxins, heavy metals, various pathogens, parasites, xenobiotic compounds, yeasts, molds, etc... Need to mop up with "binders" taking them on an empty stomach.

FYI: When I developed a C-diff gut infection (not good!) I took handfuls of very high quality probiotics every 4 hours and used probiotic suppositories and the infection cleared up in literally 4 days. I also took a clay/charcoal supplement and ate copious amounts of probiotic foods.
FYI: the Russians have developed various probiotic strains that are far more powerful than any Antibiotics on the market.

If possible, see a holistic gastroenterologist or experienced holistic practitioner to determine what infection(s), if any, are causing the symptoms or, if there is a hiatal hernia, parasites, etc....

In the meantime:

FOR REFLUX TRY THE FOLLOWING (these work for most people 90% of the time):

Eat a "thumb-sized" piece of orange peel, slowly chew it. Do this for every meal or whenever you are experiencing the reflux.
THIS REALLY WORKS, MOST OF THE TIME. Do this for at least a month or two. Or, continue indefinitely.
Make sure to use organic produce and wash it VERY WELL (e.g., soak in hydrogen peroxide/baking soda/grapefruit seed solution 20 minutes then a vinegar solution 10-15 minutes. Can add Iodine to one of these solutions. Or, use KD Gold soap, soak for 30 minutes or longer, agitating water at times. There are also various essential oils you can wash the produce with that will remove all the parasites, eggs, cysts and toxins from the surface).

2. HCL - Hydrochloric Acid
Take a high quality HCL supplement at the beginning of each meal. Start with 1 tablet and build up to tolerance (this is determined when the amount causes a burning sensation or pain in the stomach which indicates that you drop the dose by one tablet - this is your correct HCL dosage needs). If it includes Pepsin, fennel or gentian that is fine. Want to avoid maltodextrin, gelatin, magnesium stereate and other chemical fillers if possible.

3. In addition, can take a very high quality digestive enzyme (2-4 tablets) during meals.
And, can take systemic enzymes on empty stomach during the day (bromelain, papaya, serropeptase, nattokinase, mucolase, etc...).


1. IMODIUM- take this anti-diarrheal if severe. Most people can take this 2-3 times a day until the issue resolves within a couple days.

2. TAKE GI DETOX (e.g., by Bio-Botanical Research - it is a very high quality clay with activated charcoal).
Take one or more capsules on an empty stomach 2-3x/day or, as needed. Try this for a week or longer.
This is a "binder" - it binds all sorts of toxins and pathogens.

3 Take a high quality aloe vera product, daily (e.g., AloeLife).

Make sure you are drinking enough purified water, electrolytes, minerals. Do not drink much, or at all, during meals.
No Sugar or bad carbs.
Cut out dairy unless cooked or boiled before consuming (e.g, boil milk 10 seconds ,cool, drink; cook cheese until it is bubbling).
Chew your food VERY WELL.


1. Use high quality probiotic suppository (e.g., Bravo). Use every night to every other night.
2. Eat real organic fermented sauerkraut (still one of the best sources for probiotics - better than most supplemental probiotics on the market).
3. Make your own yogurt or kefir (Kefir Lady) using only sterilized and beyond organic goat milk; or, make fermented coconut water with water kefir grains (Kefir Lady).
4. Eat a lot of garlic and onions - research has shown these build up a healthy gut biome better than taking almost all of the probiotic supplements on the market.
5. Also, eat a lot of healthy fibers (freshly ground brown flax or black chia seeds - soak overnight, pectin, coconut meat/flakes/powder, etc...).

If your gut is hyper-sensitive, omit raw foods for a while and eat a lot of cooked organic vegetables and bone broths.

Let us know if any of these remedies work or if there are other symptoms in order to further a more effective approach.

Best wishes.



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