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Re: Detox symptoms Day 22... concerned???

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

Lessa Views: 1,702
Published: 20 y
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Re: Detox symptoms Day 22... concerned???

Good for you! You followed your intuition and didn't stop too soon. I know it is very uncomfortable right now, but you will now reap all the benefits of a successful cleanse. So many people stop just short of the deep cleaning. An epsome salt bath would help you with the symptoms. You are detoxing alot of bad stuff and need to get it out of you. I personally use coffee enema's at this stage, but it is frowned on by alot of people. Drink alot of water and do epsome salt baths and you should feel better soon. Epsome salt isn't really salt, it is magnesium sulfate and it opens your pores and helps you remove the toxins. I also use 2 cups of organic pure apple cider vinegar with it.
Congratulations on your healing..


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