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Re: Chocolate by MH

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Hulda Clark Cleanses

MH 108 Views: 794
Published: 6 y
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Re: Chocolate by MH

The "only" idea was to see how essential oils worked in chocolates....

It worked better than I would have imagined..

wormwood and wormseed essential oils are the most potent with the most medical history.....

many years ago I purchased 1 ounce of wormseed oil from a Canadian company and it cost $150 an ounce. I later wanted another ounce and they said that was the last and they would never have it again. I never found it sold in side North America and after 10 years of searching I eventually found a pharmaceutical company that makes the herbal medicines for the elite chinsese people and they raise all the world's most famous medical herbs and use them as their medicines and longevity prevention. Western Medicine is so organized/corrupted that all the great herbs have been removed form the commercial markets...

Pink Root Herb was extremely hard and as obsolete as Virginia snake root herb---these obsolete herbs can literally cost $2,000+ per pound to obtain today----because they are just many years now---obsolete. Once the medical doctors condemn herbs on the internet and control the sellers----quickly herbs dissapear for good unless you search them out in the wild or other countries that still use them as their medicines.

Essential oils in candies are too dangerous, because kids could get in the container and eat them all.

The empty capsule method is easier and more potent way.



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