Pain in buttocks, hamstrings on lying down.
Hi all.
I had about 10 bad days of back pain earlier this month. I would wake up after 5 hours of sleep with terrible pain and tension starting from my lower back, down the buttocks and hamstrings to the calves. I had major sleep deficit all those days because the moment I lay down I would start getting the pain again. The pain was worse when lying on my back than when lying on my sides. It was mostly concentrated on the buttocks. Most of the time in the last 10 years I've had muscular tension in this area but those days it was really bad, particularly on lying down for 4 or 5 hours.
I got lot of Tibetan massage and cupping and that helped. I'm not waking up because of pain now. The physical therapist I met said that the gluteal muscles (buttock muscles) are very weak because of overuse in prolonged sitting at work and also sitting on a seat that sinks down. Because they are weak the periformis muscle (a deeper muscle in the buttock area) has to take the body's load. It gets overusued and inflamed, and presses the sciatic nerve, and hence the pain going into the hamstrings and calves. He gave me exercise to do to relieve these two sets of muscles and make them stronger.
I am doing better now, but I think the physical therapist, like all mainstream medicine, seems to only focus on the symptoms. It feels remarkably superficial to just look at the muscle and not the underlying conditions.
From a holistic healing perspective, I wonder why the buttock muscles are so weak. Is it toxins stored up in that area because of lack of lymphatic drainage, which is further because of a clogged liver? I'm planning my 26th flush in a few weeks and often wonder if these flushes are really helping. I haven't seen any improvement in my back pain or trigeminal neuralgia, for which I started doing them 3 years ago. Could there be other reasons for the pain?