Re: Homeopathic treatment for parasites
Hello Rick,
homeopathy treats the entire constitution of a person rather than symptoms, such as parasites. You have
parasites because something caused your immune system to weaken and make you vulnerable to parasites. The moment your immune system gets stronger you will notice that
parasites are no longer a problem. You cannot take the same remedies as someone else because people have different constitutions and therefore need different remedies.
Basically, homeopathy will work on removing the cause of illness in your body, be it physical or emotional. In order to determine the correct remedy, the homeopath and you will have to talk for about an hour about your symptoms, your state of mind, etc. Homeopathy is a very precise
Science and it requires very extensive information about your body, that you may find trivial or not essential to your problem. Sometimes the questions may be uncomfortable, if you're not used to talking about personal things, such as emotions for example, or having been hurt in some way. I realize that on curezone people are talking freely about their bodies but sometimes they can be private, so I am making this clear to people who don't know anything about homeopathy.
You can read about homeopathy online but i would strongly advise against taking something that another person is recommending. If you're interested in giving it a try, i can send you a questionnaire that you can fill out and then we can schedule a phone call or facetime in order to have a real consultation. It is free but I would need you to commit to the treatment once you start it. The reason for that is because it takes time to see progress. Some people complain that they don't feel better right away but they forget that getting sick took them a lifetime.
Please let me know where you are located, if you wish to start treatment. I am in New York. Please send me your email address so I can send you the form. I hope you can stop drinking coffee!