Re: the sooner you start...
careful with ozone IVs. they can damage blood vessels, especially over time. that may not be the case, however, with C-60 in the body. or other anti-oxidants or cartilage-building foods.
i have curtailed my H2 intake until i get a better handle on the C-60. H2 is great all by itself. perhaps a good stand-in for C-60 when one takes a day or two break from it, which one should beginning a week after the first ten days to build up body burden.
i am highly suspicious of anyone who sells C-60 and suggests H2. they are either mindlessly parroting what they have heard or purposefully using apples and yogurt and other forms of H2 production to ensure some kind of beneficial effect. any major change in daily diet habits will produce a change in biochemistry. chances are with H2 there will be no change, placebo effect, or its a real positive addition to the lifestyle and you get real huge benefits.
H2. i havent played with it like i want to. the gurus say to do a cleanse with it - three big glasses every day for ten days. they say youll sweat your nuts off a few days and then it stops. and inflammation decreases tremendously during this period. i want one of those machines, too. that would make it a no brainer thing to do every day. the pills are good but expensive. i need more magnesium to try making it myself.