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Re: Korean Method of extracting plant's blood

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Re: Korean Method of extracting plant's blood

Number 1

In America, brown sugar is nothing but burned white sugar. Where this guy lives, the bag appears to be cane sugar, so he is probably OK, but to call the sugar BROWN SUGAR is a mistake for Americans who watch, because they buy brown sugar and it is not going to be the same. White starts out as cane sugar etc. and by the time they use cow bones and their various methods of making a white chemical----white sugar ends up weighing double in weight. Brown sugar is about 5x worse than white sugar. What this fellow is using appears to be simple cane sugar, which is fine and often sold in bulk stores in large brown paper bags.

What ever this guy is making ---it is 95% sugar.

He notes that if it starts to rot (ferment) to ad more sugar yet.

Is this how you make fermented foods? ABSOLUTELY NOT, this is how to make flavored sugar juice.

GERMS do not live on sugar-----human diet is suppose to be rich in 220 natural herb sugars. NOT manufactured white/brown sugar chemical.

YOU DO NOT MAKE "real" vinegar with sugar coated plant material......and "IF" this fellow sucked the good out of the flower by way of sugar extraction----WHY would he use the trash left over (SPENT) to make vinegar, why not go cut a few more fresh flowers? So this guy seems a bit confused.

Then what the #### you going to do with the sugar juice? I assume you can take it by the dropper, but it will taste like maximum sugar.

REMOVE ALL THE B / S from this guy's video and this is the simple fact: Just take a teaspoon of the cane sugar and put direct in your mouth----if it is cane juice concentrate, which it appears to be---that is good stuff, taste like candy, loaded with cane minerals. Forget his banana flower and just eat a banana. Dip your banana in the powdered sugar or for that matter, just dip your banana flower in the sugar---THE SUGAR is the beneficial part of his story / method.


In America a typical old example is taking CABBAGE and filling your crock pot and fermenting until it becomes Sourkrout..................

In America if you want to make vinegar, 99.9999999% just grind apples and collect the juice and then fill a tank with apple juice and let it set for 3 years. If you ad some air, it is much nicer. Old fashioned crocks had a tap at the bottom that allowed you to pull off the liquid from the bottom and pour back on the top---supplying a little oxygen to your vinegar------I CHEAT, I use the modern day aquarium pump and run that in the vinegar tank for LIFE---365 days a year. This keeps the vinegar slightly pressurized and keeps bugs out.

I ad orange juice, apple juice, pineapple juice, black berry, mulberry, elderberry, etc. to the vinegar and NEVER CANE SUGAR......

People did not have sugar back in the day-------sugar is a modern day luxury. The white and brown sugar they sale you in commercial stores is not real sugar, that is 50% fake and not to ever be used.

Dr. Shook made sugar herbal medicines---they work fine, but they only last about 2 weeks max.......and that was fine, because he intended you to consume his sugar medicines within 2 weeks.

Humans are sweet people literally..........I live on natural sugar.

I can work 12 hours and at the only food consumed a quart of sweet orange or pineapple juice and drink it in a minute or 2 with zero ill effects................because our blood is sweet and wants sugar. BAD / EVIL manufactures sell you garbage that is sugar coated. This fellow is selling you the idea that banana flowers preserved in sugar is something he like---who knows, it may be good, but the sugar is the real secret of his success.

I think the guy is messed up only for the fact that odds are, he has trees in his area loaded with natural sweet fruits and that is what he should be using......or maybe gorillas eat the flowers over the bananas?




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