Re: 8 Tentacled Skin Parasites - Three or four different types, but all from my skin scrapings - Ribbon-like, worm-like and spider-like.
I would agree - see my "Good news for Morgellons sufferers" post I am about to publish...
I think the spider looking specimins with ribbon tentacles are early stage fibroblasts - samples I've found since are much longer, larger and invasive but show similar structure - tentacles can spread several
inches from it's base, protruding up through the skin - I've found this consistently and is the most destructive part of morgellons creating the glass shards or wire-like things in skin.
Here is excerpt from 'Morgellons disease: a filamentous borrelial dermatitis' by Marrianne Middelveen and Raphael B Stricker:
The precise mechanism of Morgellons filament forma- tion has not been elucidated. In MD lesions, collagen and keratin filaments arise from proliferative keratinocytes and fibroblasts in human epithelial tissue.10,11 Borrelia has the capability to invade fibroblasts and keratinocytes and to rep- licate inside these cells.21–23 We speculate that infection and replication of Borrelia within keratinocytes and fibroblasts alter keratin and collagen gene regulation. Furthermore, intra- cellular sequestration of Borrelia may be a factor contributing to the development of refractory infection and MD. Borrelia spirochetes have been isolated in vitro from monolayers of keratinocytes and fibroblasts that were treated with antibi- otics.21,22 Spirochetes were detected in MD dermatological tissue taken from patients who had been given aggressive
Antibiotic therapy.13 Persistent infection and resistance to
Antibiotic treatment may therefore result from sequestration of Borrelia spirochetes within keratinocytes and fibroblasts in MD patients.