Need help with nasty Morgellons scalp situation
Anyone able to recover from a really nasty Morgellon’s scalp issue? I’ve been fighting this for nearly a year and can’t take much more. My scalp is pretty much covered with a combination of these things:
Black thick spiky like hairs, many have little bulbs at the root
Shiny white hair like projections, many have a thick clear gel under the skin
White hair like projections that are like cotton and intertwined under the skin covering most of my scalp
I’ve been shaving my head for months and have tried applying sulfur, albendazole and tea tree, I just recently started using Kleen Green.
It seems like you have to pull them out to get to what is in the follicle. Shaving helps but isn’t enough. I have so many lesions that it’s difficult to shave any more.
I just recently started the Kleen Green, I hope it is helping, it’s often hard to tell if things are getting better are worse. I also have the stringy things appear in my nose and stool, and have seen black threads under my skin on my feet and hands and face. I’m also using a chlorhexadrine/1% ketanazole shampoo to break down the film, but I just cannot seem to penetrate it on my scalp.
For a while I was using paper towels to dry my head, because I can’t get it wet in the shower and have to wash it in the sink or my whole body will be covered with the yeasty film. I wonder if they were feeding off of the lint left behind from the paper towels.
I also take liquid silver, cat’s claw, cayenne, yeast fighting stuff and watch my carbs and sugar. Every couple of weeks my stool gets really nasty and I have to take Albendazole to clear that up.
It's like their are mites biting and crawling on my scalp, and they get all over me and everything else. Black specks everywhere, I've sent them to Cornell and UCDavis and all they found was fiber, debris and skin.