Re: Can anyone tell me what this is?
Would you be able to post a picture of the bean and cork screw shaped things? Better to wash it and place it on a white paper or plastic plate and make a macro picture.
I am sure you have several types of parasites, giardia is i guess just a topping on the cake. Pets are a big source of parasites, this is why i will never have any.
parasites (worms, protozoans, bacterias, viruses etc) are so very easy to pick up. We carry them since we are born and we keep picking them up all our lives. Our poor immune system is overloaded. Without regular deworming, people get very very ill, get cancer, etc.
Yellow stool is a sign of a liver trouble. Blocked bile ducts are also a sign of parasites, small
Tapeworms or ascaris, flukes etc. could be any or all of these.
Great resources are mattk3 from this forum (his posts and documents), and even the website I would have the dogs dewormed for all types of
parasites for at least 1 year and do the same for yourselves. You need to kill all the stages in order to start feeling better. Not being able to digest milk and gluten is a sign of bad bacteria overgrowth as well as roundworms. These things go hand in hand. on debugyourhealth you will find lots of good info on this.