What I have learned is the body has an enormous capacity to live with these devils. I have had flukes for 20 years... and my worst experience was when I did an enema with vinegar and a few migrated up my throat which they stayed for several months, and I even sneezed one up. I became suicidal as I couldn't live like that... and like you, doctors thought I was crazy when I attempted to report it to them.
Regarding your preganancy, you need to be very careful and not get too stressed.
Flukes are stubborn - if I had found a cure I'd let you know. I tried all the major known drugs, and i have not been able to erradicate them. I have found zinc and b2 helps though to stop my general health from deteriorating. I have learned to live with them. I have come to realise there is no choice, as far as I know. I know this doesn't help you but maybe knowing others living with flukes may help you feel better.