Re: I tried to be normal once. I said, the webmaster prob. kicked his server in the peripherals, or else he tripped over a cable, who knows? He musta broke s/thing, coz you're not the only one affected. The only way to find posts now is to regularly chk your mail inbox, or refresh your home page. If it bothers you, maybe you should alert the w/m, just in case he doesn't know.
As for activity, most of my energy lately has gone into this deluded guy's f/b timeline:
I wrote a little piece about him here if you're interested:
...and haven't seen it yet.
Turns out they have their own versions of the trapezoid there too. Came across a guy called Chris Gruze who is a semi-literate foul-mouthed anti-semitic pot head who thinks I'm demon-possessed, etc etc. He & the trap should get on like a house on fire.
I also recently joined this community:
but early days yet - only started one thread so far, & made a couple of lighthearted comments on another about a suicide 'capsule'.
Not seen much of refreshed lately. Has she picked up her coat tails & run off too? Oh well, it was fun while it lasted.
Love you all.