Re: Liver/Gallbladder pain after 2nd flush
many women have problems with drinking all 4 doses of
Epsom Salts .
Every flush is different, and symptoms people experience during the
Liver Flush and after the flush are often different from person to person and from flush to flush .
One of the possible reasons why you felt this flush was much more difficult could be because this time your body recognized
Epsom Salt as a foreign substance that caused the diarrhea last time.
If I were you, I would have taken just half of the amount of
Epsom Salt the next time. Or even 1/3 .
Flush can also be done without
Epsom Salts , if it gives you too many unpleasant symptoms
Epsom Salts can be replaced with Magnesium citrate or with Magnesium Chloride.
The same amount of Magnesium, or less. Even with Magnesium oxide.
In case of not using any Magnesium, you should take an enema in the evening and enema in the morning of the flush to get all bile out before it poisons you.
Anyway, taking an enema every time you get a headaches during or after the flush may relieve your headaches !
Headaches can be a reaction to magnesium or a reaction to flushed bile .
Also, it would be good to wait with the next flush, maybe 3-4 weeks.
Also, try
coffee enema . Also castor oil compresses on your liver area.
Also, try some herbs (herbal tinctures ) for the liver. All bitter herbs (Bitters like Swedish bitters or Chinese bitters or copits or dandelion ) stimulate liver and gallbladder.
Also, try
Rotation Elimination Diet !
Maybe a
colonic if available .
Good luck !