Farming I can understand. Especially the 'ethical' variety. What I don't get is how ppl imagine they can 'prepare' for the apocalypse. Only in America.
Well, you knew I'd get that one in somehow, didn't ya?
And just in case you're wondering....yup, still in Cyprus. We were s'posed to fly back tonite, but you know, force majeure, etc. So an xtra 3 days in sunny Cyprus. Not sure how we're gonna manage with all that xtra vit. D, but I'm sure we'll find a way.
It's a hard life, innit? But maybe not as hard as living thru the apocalypse. Just make sure you're packing plenty of heat when it arrives. You're gonna need it to fend off the marauding masses who will be hellbent on relieving you of your essential supplies.