Any backpedaling done by anyone, including you and me, is because we are many times misunderstood or still working on understanding things fully. Other than a visual study manual that I made using graphics depicting scripture, I have never verbalized my beliefs. Sue me for having the nerve to speak what I think before everything is perfectly formed. If I can't discuss my thoughts here, then where?
I don't take being bullied into changing anything that I have put time and prayer into all these years, or to just have someone try to groom me into the spot they seem as 'just right' as cooed by Goldilocks. This is between me and God, and if I'm wrong, He will help lead me to what is right. I'm not worried about it. I just want a place to speak my mind and let it gel.
You don't like my topics because you think it somehow goes against your little agenda against the jews. I have always said that the Jews must come to Christ just like everyone else. We have a number of Jews in our church. They ARE coming to Christ, little by little. They understand that there is no need for a temple to be built. There are many in Jerusalem coming to Christ as well. Let Christ be the change needed in those that seek Him. You don't have to change anyone by laughing or whipping them into shape.