Advice on adrenal stress
Hi all, to cut a long story short, I started taking a low dose 3mg of
Iodine 12 months ago and made myself very ill after 4 months of feeling quite good on it, I think I crashed my adrenals with all the toxicity that got released. Anyway fast forward to now, my energy levels are good, sleep well, and have been for 6 months or more following very careful detox and supplements. My question is are my current remaining symptoms adrenal or thyroid? (I have high TPO antibodies at 176 but everything else within range). About every 2 weeks or so I get a vague cold fluey feeling and painless throbbing in neck glands and sinuses, the glands are always up on the neck but soft, it's more like there is increased volume of blood going through them, this is usually accompanied by a few small tender glands in the armpit. This generally lasts for a day or less, I think it's toxicity being released. I don't have a swollen thyroid and I follow an AIP diet. The rest of the time the throbbing almost goes away although the swollen glands don't. It's annoying because I will have a week or two of feeling quite good and start to think it's finally over, then it comes back again! Each "attack" is less severe than the previous one and If I wasn't so sensitized to it I probably wouldn't notice - I'm just trying to figure out if these are adrenal symptoms and if so is it the normal progression. I don't take adrenal glandular support or adaptogens, tried them and it made me too hyper so I don't feel I need it. Any advice gratefully received. ps can't afford to do any more testing as I am out of work