Water Fasting 6 Days a Week With One Cheat Day!
Hey Everyone,
So I started a new thread because the old one was a fail lol. Once I drank alcohol on my cheat day, everything just downward spiraled from there. This thread is therefore a near replica to the first one, but with one exception: I've moved my cheat day to the middle of my fasting week.
The plan is to Fast for 4 consecutive days. Then on the fifth day, I'll be fasting until the evening, and then consuming ONLY ONE MEAL from 5pm - 8pm. Why one meal? I've been around this rodeo before. I'm not trying to open myself up to binge eating (again).
Good News!
I'm already a week in. I started 2/19 and fasted 2/20, 2/21, 2/22, and 2/23. Then on 2/24, I broke the fast at approximately 5pm with sweet chili korean fried chicken (i know, i know!) and teriyaki salmon with salad and white rice. Oh, and I had two cupcakes. Not exactly the healthiest...but screw it. If I'm going to have my cheat day, then by God, it's going to be a real cheat day.
5"4 female, large body frame
2/19 --> weighed 106 kg
2/24 (before fast) --> weighed 101 kg
2/25 (day after fast) --> weighed 99 kg
For my updates, I won't be compulsively checking the scale. I'll be weighing myself once before Cheat Day, and once after Cheat Day (most likely the day after). I'll also provide what I had that day for lunch/dinner. But I can assure ya'll from now, it won't exactly be "healthy." I'm planning on doing this fast for a while. So I'll be having fun while doing it ;)