The agendas were started long before the King James Bible that's for sure. Most of it is translated correctly. I have made some posts of the errors. I will try to find some and link. I don't have the time to go through all of this. I don't know of any perfect translation. I'm not saying that the King James version is worse than the others. I think each passage has to be examined and evaluated separately. One version may have a better translation for one passage and at the same time have a worse translation for another passage. The issue I posted on was the women issue, but of course, this was happening long before King James. However, some of the other translations do state things a little more truthfully regarding this issue.
I am against the King James Only belief. By that I am not trying to say that the others are better, but please don't get me to think that the kjv is all we should use because God did not allow any translators to make any errors in that one. I have seen the errors. The idea that the kjv is the only perfect translation came from a man's mind.