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This is what I mean
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This is what I mean

You see? Not too hard to google search for a passage to fit your purposes, Trapper, but what are you doing beyond the computer? Are you ladling soup into empty bowls to feed the homeless? Are you sorting through donations to clothe the poor? Are you organizing bags of food to distribute to the hungry? How about prayer? Are you touching the hands of people who are dying to pray with them as they slip away? How about prayer, in general - how much time are you spending in sincere prayer to LEARN and SERVE, rather than peck out bilious diatribes or searching for passages that suit your agenda? How much time do you spend away from your computer to live as Jesus taught and in a way that is humble and pure?

You see, Trapper, Pride is one of the Seven Deadly Sins and a lack of humility, respect, and compassion really tend to fester when Pride has become so deeply rooted.

I don't need to quote Bible passages, Trapper. I am not a scholar, nor do I "know the Bible backwards and forwards," as you claimed to. What I do know is that God expects better of me than to banter about ridiculous and false doctrines just to irritate people and lead them far, far away from those expectations. I may fall short, and I may fall short frequently, but I work at it. And, I'll call hacks when I see it, too.

to add:  Service to the community through God is what everyone is called to do, and this applies to us all.  That's why I'm not on this site morning, noon, and night.  There are things that I've been called to do that takes me away from the computer and away from my home and my comfort zone.



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