Keep up the good work you are doing because even though you may feel like a lone voice in the wilderness, people are reading and benefiting. The truth is many people are seeking an easy way to fix the problem. They are tired, sick, overworked, and/or lacking in time. There is nothing easy about working on our health and once people realize that, it is just one more thing to add to their heavy load.
After a botched job done on my mom and knowing since both my mom and dad have had cataracts, I keep in mind my day may come. What if what I'm doing is not enough to prevent this from happening? What then? Sort of like cancer. What if you think you have been doing everything you know to do naturally and you still come down with cancer? What then? It can be a hard decision for some folks.
As far as free speech is concerned, you just keep sharing until your words penetrate to enough people who want something better than surgery. As long as there are many people who want "easy", it will continue to reign. Your studies and experiments may be what changes a generation of hopeless minds.