Million Harpy March
To say that I am appalled at the "Million Women March" concept would be an understatement. As an older female who remembers the First Feminist Wave from the 1960's, I can say that contemporary feminism is mainly smoke and mirrors. I do not understand what these protesters are screaming about. What do they want or, NOT want?
I refuse to believe that Trump's ill-worded comment, "You gotta grab 'em by the pussy," sparked this whole thing. If anyone with a brain was actually listening, the reference was made to correlate with what one would do to men, "You gotta grab 'em by the balls," if some sort of control were needed. Let's get this straight: Trump has a broken filter. He is brash, rude, un-diplomatic, and crude. Yes, he is. No doubt about it. But, we have to accept the fact that we - as a Nation - created this scenario for him to be elected because we became complacent (pre-Obama), and then we became furious (during-Obama). We did this to ourselves.
When Obama was in office, this nation went down a greased slide of hatred, racism, and anarchy that hasn't been experienced since the mid-1960's and any headway or equality that had been achieved in the past 50 years was dashed to ruins by his Administration. So, when we are faced with two psychopaths running for public office, we choose the lesser of 2 evils and people bought into the "I'm mad as hell, and I'm not gonna take it any longer" rhetoric.
With this last campaign came some of the most outrageous SJW nonsense imaginable. Trans-this-and-that, Third Wave Feminism, debauchery (gay-pride parades?), urban terrorism, "We Wuz Kangs," and the destruction of National, State, and local monuments that reflected a war between the States. And, this was all allowed, encouraged, and supported by unseen benefactors that paid for busloads of armed mercenaries to incite riots and violence.
The "Million Woman March" is just another line in the joke of our society. If anyone can explain this current behavior WITHOUT using Trump's inappropriate comment(s) as a catalyst, I would be interested to read it. As it stands, women have lost their ability to use their God-given abilities and wits to their advantage, and have chosen, instead, to shriek, scream, and howl like a band of estrogen-laden harpies, and I do not support this under any circumstances.
Women and men are different. They have different parts as do nearly all reproducing species on this planet, including plants and trees. This is how it is. There is no "Patriarchy." Women enjoy equality in a way that was not even a dream in 1975, and we do not deserve to be privileged, as well. We have equality. In some aspects, there remain barriers, but we need to just get over ourselves and our menstrual cycles, and get on with the process of living.