Re: Request moderator for the Iodine Problems forum
all the words i wrote on the VWT are in my name and fully searchable. cant say the same about V or you. vulcanel has disowned what he has said. it is his mess. im simply encouraging you both to clean it up and soon. i have no hidden or leftover messes. provide some relief for those poor people who have suffered far too long while the two of you have..., well...., what have you two been doing all this time if you knew the problem? and the answers?
anyway, godspeed. im sure there will be some who really appreciate it.
Vulcanel, Wombat & Trapper/kcmo
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out of all those messages, try to find vulcanel. and if you can find a vulcanel post, click on the button all of 'my posts across all forums.' you get 3. three posts. the rest are hidden or user X or whatever. so vulcanel did nothing but try to help and i was a maniac, is that your story? lololol
let me set you straight. that forum is a godsend to thousands over the years. vulcanel did little to help and lots to sabatoge. wombat and i kept that forum afloat. and then ginagirl came along and gave us wonderful relief. poor ginagirl.
and poor wombat, she just finally wore too thin of it all.
so in all honesty, i have to say the
Webmaster is mistaken that vulcanel was the driving force behind VWT. the users drove that forum. wombat and i kept it clean and V in check. your not gonna get the
Webmaster to ban me. i love them and they appreciate me. i have been loyal and made sure the place was taken care of like it was my own. yes, we had a falling out but they stuck me on the back porch and there i mind my Ps and Qs. and the
Iodine forum still when necessary. its been automatic for a long time and popping in once in a while just to make an appearance. many other people have helped, too, just to be helpful, like grizz, but he is by no means alone.
wombat, not that i can speak for her, but she will always love V for his wit and the fact that he saved her breasts. her words in public, not mine. and i have an appreciation for him as well. the day he told me i could chelate fluoride with iodine, i was in. we teamed up and the VWT was born. no one can take that away from any one of us.
but this unhelpful behaviour of Vs has been an ongoing problem, another thing the
Webmaster knows far more about than you ever will.
so im not sure what monster from the id you are. we have had our enemies. but if youve been around as long as you say, you are the one with some kind of weird hangup.
so fix these
Iodine problems. but if youre gonna drag me into it, your gonna get mega disclosure. i have nothing hdden and V has everything hidden. good luck in the future with that, with him, and the people you claim to serve.